Thursday, November 13, 2008

Came so far yet so near....

Not too sure why I feel the way i feel. like I have came a million mile yet not moved forward... I am not to sure if it is because I am emoing.
Still feel like I am not part of it all.... like being still the last to be picked. Maybe it is the loneliness that is settling in right now. Being away from so many many things, ministry, work, people.
Life is so strange right now.... Well, I am quite sure that I will not make it on my own but with u Lord Jesus and Mother Mary, I am confident.
For now just dwelling... in silent
Wishing u Jesus

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I need to work on this

Verse 1
Children of Light
Lift up our eyes
For we were once in darkness
But now we’re free
Be radiant at what we see
Our glorious King

Verse 2
God of Valor
Our savior
Once we were forsaken
Now redeemed
The chains that bound us has been broken
So now we rejoice

Awake, arise enter into light
Awake, arise enter into life

Come and sing
To the glory of the King
Come and sing
To the splendor of His name
Come and sing

Awake, arise

Nations come to Him
Now I will make you the pride of ages

And fix our eyes on Him

Our Glorious
Our Glorious
Our Glorious
Our Glorious King

For we were once in darkness

Glorious King
My Glorious King

Upon us you shines
Over us appear His glory
Rise up O God of splendor

For your light
Your heart shall overflow
We are his son and daughter
For the days of your mourning shall come to end
The Lord shall be your light forever
Shines in His Glory

Calling Me Home

Lost is the way I feel
So far away from home
A place where once I knew
Your love and mercy flow

I was down that road again
I wish I didn’t begin
Now my heart is in pieces
Where guilt and shame teases

I wanna go home
I wanna go home
To the arms of love that I once know
To be heal of my wretched soul
I wanna go home

He’s calling out my name
He loves me just the same
He’s calling me again
We can start all over again

He’s calling me home
He’s calling me home
A call that my heart so long for
A place my soul long to be
A place He planned for me
He’s calling me home

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day before tomorrow

Not sure what I am doing here actually. Like I am just here. with a million things going thru my head like trying ti catch words in the wind.... just going by by by. U miss me? I miss me too. Right now I feel like an out of my body.
TRUST TRUST what a big word.... meaning? Tomorrow.... maybe I will know

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Restless heart

Not sure why but I think can be just PMS or emoing which ever it is. Feeling restless. When to the Singapore flyer today to check out the place and walk walk. Nice and actually pretty easy to get there the place have a feeder bus that brings u directly there from city hall MRT but the bus is to be taken from the Bus stop at Coleman Road. Better cos easier to spot. Hahahaha. Find of the week there is POPEYE at the Singapore flyer!!!! Coolness! Any takers?

This week has been a week of eating Durains!!! And I still want some more yummy yummy creamy bitter sweet buttery goodness all packed in a green torny shell!!! Oh yummy yum yum (oh I said that already) Well, you get the picture.... looking at this.

Thank God for durains.
Wishing u Jesus

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Serious Considerations

My Father in heaven has been talking to me for the past 6 days.... Which well one has been great and yet at the same time difficult. What do one do when they want to do something and yet at the same time is fearful about it. Insecure about it... yet it is not just God's but mine too.
Not sure where this road will lead too, but just preparing my heart. So now a bit emoing.... Lord Jesus, I trust in you.
I wish you Jesus

Saturday, July 12, 2008

To God be the Glory!!!

OMG!!!! Can I just tell you I have the most amazing experience in JB of God's divine protection, love and intervention. Story started with our friend Melvin who has invited us to go to JB with him for a late supper. So yeah all was well and we all have had a wonderful time and fantastic mutton matabak.
So the night came to an end like about 3 am. As we are about to leave, I turned to ask Bern for our passports. Horror of horrors!!! All 3 passports are not with us!!!! We started frantically searching for them in the car. If we could turn the car inside out piece by piece to search I highly suspect we would. Then Mel paused for a moment and asked " Did we take our passport just now when we left the check point?" We like "OH!" like in our excitement and happily chatting away non of us remembered to collect the passport from the officers and happy left the checkpoint!!! Bummer!!! OMG right!? Like I think of all the times that I have ever traveled being ever so anal about checking that my passport get chopped and everything is in place. ME actually forgotten to check for these things this time round!!! What was I thinking!!!!????
So there we are in a foreign county Malaysia no passport... discussing the possibilities of being locked up for 24 hours. Images us in cell.... flouted pass my mind (I hope it is clean)... er think they will have our passport at the custom? if they don't have it we would need to report lost of passport and stay in JB until we get a solution to this predicament we are in.
Oh well, Bern says that we should just go to the customs and check lah, then decide how to deal with it when we are there. So we said a short pray as we approach the Malaysia custom. Asking for intervention and intersession from Mother Mary and St Anthony, claiming Christ protection and promises over our lives. Amen.
Ok, so the 3 of us walked up to the custom. Brace ourselves and asked if they have our passports that was left behind earlier. To our amazement, we were greeted by friend custom staff that later made a call to the other booth and helped us to located our PASSPORTS!!!! Praise God!!!! Wah we were all so relief to have out passports back!!!
Here I would like to thank the wonderful Malaysian immigrant officers for their kind assistance and to God be the glory for seeing us through, St Anthony and Mother Mary for their intersession and pray.
Just one last note tot... please remember to check your passports at check points
I wish you Jesus :)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Desert Song

DESERT SONG Words and Music by Brooke Fraser


This is my prayer in the desert

When all that’s within me feels dry

This is my prayer in my hunger and need

My God is the God who provides


This is my prayer in the fire

In weakness or trial or pain

There is a faith proved

Of more worth than gold

So refine me Lord through the flame


I will bring praise

I will bring praise

No weapon formed against me shall remain

I will rejoice

I will declare

God is my victory and He is here


This is my prayer in the battle

When triumph is still on its way

I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ

So firm on His promise I’ll stand


All of my life

In every season

You are still God

I have a reason to sing

I have a reason to worship


This is my prayer in the harvest

When favour and providence flow

I know I’m filled to be emptied again

The seed I’ve received I will sow

Amazing Song From Brooke. Having gone through one of my own roughest seasons of my life not too long ago. I so relate to the story behind the song. Recalling the days when I totally does not feel God, expect for the knowledge and faith that He is in control of my situation.

Even then on those days it was hard. I remember having to lead worship on a day when all of my heart was all over the floor. Not that I was emoing but the pain was totally unbearable, gong into the adoration room and just crying my heart out like moments before worship. God I can't do this on my own I can't and if breathing is by my own will I would chose to stop. I recall how His presence sets in to envelope me. It was a choice that I made to worship, to praise... to bear out my heart and praise even in desert moments...

I will bring praise

I will bring praise

No weapon formed against me shall remain

I will rejoice

I will declare

God is my victory and He is here

That worship was amazing, because I learned that I can bring praise and I will bring praise, I can and will rejoice and declare God is my victory. Now on the road to healing I know that He is with me through it all and He sees it all and heard my pray and heard me cry. That He is GOD, trust Him.

In this season I learned of what it means to be obedient, to trust, to hope, to love despite of, to honor, to P.U.S.H. (pray until something happens)and to hold fast to faith. That if God had allow it to happened He would have trusted me to handle it.

I learned to look at my prayer life with the wisdom and understand that He has given. I now know that if my pray was to have patient, love and faith, they are not a sudden increase in that gifting or a feeling that overwhelms me, but I would be presented the opportunities to use exercise them. A bit like having been given a beautiful dress, and actually wearing it out then just keeping it in the closet.

I learned to deeply value my vocation as a wife, the partnership that we have together. I am absolutely thankful for Bern in my life for walking this season with me despite of all the trails and pain. I learned to deeply appreciate the community that I have entrusted to and entrusted with. And I am so thankful for each and everyone of them.

I learned the meaning of worshiping spirit and in truth, to lead my life as a worshiper. to know I am made to worship. I am made to praise. It has been months now since I have lead in praise and worship. I know that God is growing me lovingly and His time He will use me according to His plan again. Meanwhile, I am spending time to listen to Him and wait upon Him. And bear testimony to all that He has done for us. Thank you Jesus, for loving us and especially me :)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Raph's Birthday

This has been a great day for us, it has been a while since I have felt such peace and love. The presence of God's love in our lives. Today, being at Raph's birthday party has been amazing. it is not just a celebration of a friend's birthday but also of love, family, friendship and God.
Witnessing to God's glory in the live of those around us young and old and amongst and in us.
I learned that love have different phrases from falling in love to growing in love, building on love, being in love and falling in love all over again with the same person. That I could love a person for all that he is and all that he will be. That love is possible in not only good times but also trails, that each is an opportunity to practice patient, understanding and grow in wisdom. I learn that I can and am loved in my weaknesses and strength, for who I am and who I will be.
While there maybe climate changes in our days, that with God as our shelter and foundation the ONE that we hold fast to and fix our eyes and hearts on, we will discover a greater wisdom and glory. That all this work together for those who love Him.
The friends we have the places that we are put in is not by chance but all an appointed position by His hands. While we get to make the decisions and choices, in it all He had trusted us to handle it.
As per Josie talk on questions to ask in decision making
1 Does this decision bring us the fullness of life (Proverb 9:12)? Allows God's love into our lives? Allows us to love and honor Him?
2 Does this decision brings us closer to Him? Does it build us up? (Hebrew 12:1) Will it slow me down in running this race for God?
3 Does this decision bring me closer to the danger zone? Can I ask Jesus to bless it?
4 Will it help other Christians by example? Will it lead others to Jesus? (1 Cor 8:9, Roman 14:14-20)
5 When lost or don't know what to do ASK for good council? (Proverb 12:15, 19:20, 15:22)

Dearest Jesus,
Thank you for all the friends and good council that u have given us and placed in our lives. May we learn to be wiser as we grow and may we glorify you in all that we do and say. Holy spirit be our guide that we will always hear your voice loud and clear, that You will show us our hearts and teach us your ways. Protect us always dear Lord from evil and keep us always close to you most sacred heart. This we ask in Jesus name. Amen.

I wish you Jesus
Mrs Princess

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happiness is a state of mind

Spoke to a wise friend last night, "happiness is a state of mind". What is my current state of mind? Thankfulness, for the love in my life, for my friends and parents and parent in-law. Well bad things happened before but learning to move on is vital. Choosing to focus on what we can learn from it is more productive then digging my wounds. So ya so much for now. Dropping by later to share more then.
Wishing u Jesus

Thursday, July 3, 2008

End of a day

So this is the end of my day, for many this would be a late day. Sitting here listening to Kevin Kern, and watching over my love sleeping. I thanks God for this moment. Live in it's own motion. A lot of time in my life I would feel disappointment and fear. Yet a moment like this will remind me that life is still beautiful and Good.
Dear Jesus, as I lay myself to sleep. I thank you for the breathe of life today, for giving me the opportunity to witness and participate in your Glorious plan. I claim your divine protection over our lives and in everything that we do and embark on.
Dearest Sweet Mary, my mother dear. You who have crushed the serpent under your feet. Thank you for you constant intercession in our lives and for keeping us close to Jesus at all times. Protect us from evil and temptation always.
Hail Mary full of grace, blessed are you amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus. Holy Mary mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen.
I love you Jesus.
Mrs Princess

Dinner @ City Hall

Dinner was wonderful today check out what we have!!!! Yummy!!! Ebi and bacon pizza, BBQ eel bambo rice, Pork terayaki and our all time favorite SALMON. Tried out this sake today for fun actually quite nice after being alcohol free for 3 months.
It's a nice sake and pretty sweet and pleasing to the palate.
Just in case the print is too small here another picture of it with the name and the wholesaler. Go try it k ;P

Ok so much for now will be back soonie. Don't miss me yet.

A new day

Left my old blog behind and saying goodbye to all the things of yesterday. So here we are this is where we meet and say Hi welcome to my life :) It is a life very much like yours that has it's ups and it's downs.
It is a life filled with choices and a live that pretty much in words of some of my friends that "You think too much" hahahaha do I? Maybe... Still it is a life worth the living. A life fearfully and wonderfully shaped and fashioned by God's hand.
May this blog brings you joy and hope. May this blog be a place where u can see the hands of God moving in your life and mine. May you be richly blessed by His love and mercy.
So much for my greeting message to you for now... For those that has been reading my blog in the past thank you for journeying with me hence far hahahaha I am now Mrs Princess. And may you continue to grow in Jesus.
I wish you Jesus always
Love in Christ
Mrs Princess