Thursday, March 5, 2009

35 Days to go

Well I have got another 35 days more to go.... Scary excitement so how's all this work? Preparing for Baby Shane? I don't really know. Hmmmm... Each day I still like in awesome wonder how all this is happening inside... that we all started from this stage. We are all pretty amazing... aren't we considering our size now hahahahahaha. we use to be so tiny. We must have amazed our parent even in the womb, well sure we made some silly choices and things along the way. But we all came a long way from the womb. What a journey, you are amazing and beautiful no matter what they say!!! Wonderfully and ferafully made by the hands of God. And that is something one can never take away. Jesus loves u
Whishing you Jesus
Mrs Princess

Monday, February 16, 2009

Shopping Day for Shane Miguel

Hei Hei, went shopping for Baby Shane, just some of the little stuff we found OMG they are ultra cute cuteness cutest... ok I guess you get the picture.
Boots and mittens, Ooooooo hahahahaha we had such a blast!!!

Choosing booster, Hmmm I wonder which one Shane will like

How about a Transformer for Little Shane hehehehehe

Pram choosing process ~~~~~~

Our Choice and winner Pram for little Shane, hehehehe and it is Red too well not in this picture but in real life :P a fruitful day out :)
Wishing u Jesus

Friday, February 6, 2009

Baby Shower 21 Feb 2009

I see you found us hahahahaha!!! Well, it's a Diaper party~~!!! Which means everyone comes in DIAPERS hahahahaha!!! No, lah... actually the theme is Diaper, so if you are coming with a gift come with diaper related stuff like disposable diaper (Mamy Poko, S size), Cotton Diapers (Gold fish brand from local market or China town cheaper), diaper wipes, diaper pins, diaper cream, diaper bag for Bern etc etc, just get creative lah!!!

Do bring in the hand-me-downs k. Cos they all tell a unique story, and we love items with a bit of history.

Well, other fun stuff for Shane :)

In case, you are thinking of getting other things or any of the following items please do check with us just in case we have already got them k.

Wishing you Jesus
Bern, Joel and Shane

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Baby Shower Invitations

Oh well, looking at the guest list and thinking hope I didn't miss anyone out. Thinking of all the folks that I have met, just met and will meet. The folks that I held close to my heart and have not seen in a while. A bit the nostalgic, not sure if u ever feel that way. People that for various reasons like change jobs, schools, ministries, homes, locations etc. U get to see less of them... If I can be greedy I will want to catch up with them all!! ALL!!! hahahahaha!!!
Guess that's change, life changes, seasons changes, the only thing that I could about is now. "Love them well while they are still here, love them well in this season when they are in your life..."whispered Jesus.
To all folks that I held close to my heart, your presences have been missed in my life. Thank you for sharing and for being a in my life... Wishing u Jesus.

Out of Secrecy

Hello world!!!!
Well we are out of secrecy already went MIA for the pass few months because ... we are going to be parents!!! So excited all the scans and little movement of the baby... hahahaha oh yes did we mention that it's a BOY!!
Exciting exciting... Well was chatting with one of our friends Eunice the other day and she offered to help us throw a Baby Shower!!! How fun can that be!!!.
So today she was over at my place with Gen and my sister to design and HAND MAKE all the invitation cards. How AMAZING can these people be!!! Thank you Jesus.
Oh well, not sure what a Baby Shower comprise of, but just thinking being able to hang with all our favorite people itself is all so WOW already before Shane arrive.
Ok so much for today...
Wishing u Jesus