Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Baby Shower Invitations

Oh well, looking at the guest list and thinking hope I didn't miss anyone out. Thinking of all the folks that I have met, just met and will meet. The folks that I held close to my heart and have not seen in a while. A bit the nostalgic, not sure if u ever feel that way. People that for various reasons like change jobs, schools, ministries, homes, locations etc. U get to see less of them... If I can be greedy I will want to catch up with them all!! ALL!!! hahahahaha!!!
Guess that's change, life changes, seasons changes, the only thing that I could about is now. "Love them well while they are still here, love them well in this season when they are in your life..."whispered Jesus.
To all folks that I held close to my heart, your presences have been missed in my life. Thank you for sharing and for being a in my life... Wishing u Jesus.

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